excerpt from Aeòlus by Dòmhnall Ruadh Mac an t-Saoir/Donald MacIntyre with translation by Bill Innes:
Neptune a' brosnachadh armachd,
Neptune exhorting his armies,
A chuip mun earball is mun ceann,
His whip about their heads and tails,
'S a chridhe sracadh le farmad:
His heart bursting with envy:
"Carson a bhiodh Albainn ann?
"Why should Scotland exist?
"Cuim' a dh'fhanainn air mo chrìochan?
"Why stay within my bounds?
Cuim' nach leudaichinn mo ghart?
Why not widen my estate?
Cuim' nach buannaichean an saoghal
Why not take over the world
Is gun tèid daonnan neart thar cheart?
When might will always conquer right?
"Cuim' nach dìrinn chun a' mhullaich?
"Why not climb to the very top?
Cuim' a dh'fhuirichinn nam staid?
Why should i stay within my place?
A' chlach as ìsle san ursainn,
It is the threshold's lowest stone
'S ann oirr' tha 'n cudthrom air fad.
That has to carry all the weight.
"Cuim' nach leanainn prìomh lagh nadair-
"Why not follow Nature's first law -
Am fear laidir a thoirt buaidh?
That the strong will always win?
'S ann le càch a chur gu h-ìseal
It is by subduing others
A gheibh mise dìreach suas."
That i will get to climb above."
Ge b'e dh'èisteadh guth nan tonn,
Whoever listened to the waves
'S e siud am fonn a bha nam bial
Heard in their voices that refrain
Is iad a' dearbhadh rùn an seanchais
And they proving their words' intent
Mar a dheargadh iad le gnìomh
As they could with their deeds.
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