Saturday, 29 August 2009
Gaelic Poetry 1 - Aeòlus
Neptune a' brosnachadh armachd,
Neptune exhorting his armies,
A chuip mun earball is mun ceann,
His whip about their heads and tails,
'S a chridhe sracadh le farmad:
His heart bursting with envy:
"Carson a bhiodh Albainn ann?
"Why should Scotland exist?
"Cuim' a dh'fhanainn air mo chrìochan?
"Why stay within my bounds?
Cuim' nach leudaichinn mo ghart?
Why not widen my estate?
Cuim' nach buannaichean an saoghal
Why not take over the world
Is gun tèid daonnan neart thar cheart?
When might will always conquer right?
"Cuim' nach dìrinn chun a' mhullaich?
"Why not climb to the very top?
Cuim' a dh'fhuirichinn nam staid?
Why should i stay within my place?
A' chlach as ìsle san ursainn,
It is the threshold's lowest stone
'S ann oirr' tha 'n cudthrom air fad.
That has to carry all the weight.
"Cuim' nach leanainn prìomh lagh nadair-
"Why not follow Nature's first law -
Am fear laidir a thoirt buaidh?
That the strong will always win?
'S ann le càch a chur gu h-ìseal
It is by subduing others
A gheibh mise dìreach suas."
That i will get to climb above."
Ge b'e dh'èisteadh guth nan tonn,
Whoever listened to the waves
'S e siud am fonn a bha nam bial
Heard in their voices that refrain
Is iad a' dearbhadh rùn an seanchais
And they proving their words' intent
Mar a dheargadh iad le gnìomh
As they could with their deeds.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
The Crucifiction Story
Friday, 14 August 2009
The NHS is to politicians what shit is to flies.
NHS attack by MEP 'unpatriotic'
Health secretary Andy Burnham: "Mr Cameron looks rattled today"
Health Secretary Andy Burnham has accused a Tory MEP who attacked the NHS on American TV of being "unpatriotic".
Labour has stepped up its criticism of Daniel Hannan, who waded into the debate over Barack Obama's health bill.
They claim his view - that the NHS is outdated, unfair and should be scrapped - is shared by many Conservatives.
But David Cameron said Mr Hannan's view was "eccentric" and accused Labour of making a meal of the row, stressing that the NHS was his top priority.
I don't hate the NHS, but nor do i make a sexual fetish out of it like many. However there is something absolutely repulsive about seeing the likes of Andy Burnham accusing others of being 'unpatriotic' for criticising it. This from the Labour scum who have run the armed forces into the ground and are happy to leave soldiers dying due to lack of armour, lack of properly armoured ground vehicles, lack of helicopters and then try to deny them any proper support and compensation if they're badly injured?
'Scum' barely does justice to these people. Criticism of the NHS is no more 'unpatriotic' than defending it blindly is inherently 'patriotic'. Grow the fuck up.
NHS attack by MEP 'unpatriotic'
Health secretary Andy Burnham: "Mr Cameron looks rattled today"
Health Secretary Andy Burnham has accused a Tory MEP who attacked the NHS on American TV of being "unpatriotic".
Labour has stepped up its criticism of Daniel Hannan, who waded into the debate over Barack Obama's health bill.
They claim his view - that the NHS is outdated, unfair and should be scrapped - is shared by many Conservatives.
But David Cameron said Mr Hannan's view was "eccentric" and accused Labour of making a meal of the row, stressing that the NHS was his top priority.
I don't hate the NHS, but nor do i make a sexual fetish out of it like many. However there is something absolutely repulsive about seeing the likes of Andy Burnham accusing others of being 'unpatriotic' for criticising it. This from the Labour scum who have run the armed forces into the ground and are happy to leave soldiers dying due to lack of armour, lack of properly armoured ground vehicles, lack of helicopters and then try to deny them any proper support and compensation if they're badly injured?
'Scum' barely does justice to these people. Criticism of the NHS is no more 'unpatriotic' than defending it blindly is inherently 'patriotic'. Grow the fuck up.
A highly recommended blog - please check it out.
Now i have quite an eclectic range of interests and this is the first site/blog i've ever seen where the author probably outdoes me in terms of the sheer range of topics they find interesting. Whether it's the bizarre use of Scottish Gaelic in the new GI:Joe movie, a detailed look at the Scandinavian languages and why Norwegian is the easiest language for English speakers to learn or why Persian is a far easier language to learn than most people think.
Scientific and technological pieces looking at the use of web censorship technologies in the USA, Iran and China, manned missions to the moon, mars and asteroids to a video imagining the size of the universe or a piece on the necessity of "grit" in the learning process.
From in depth analysis of the ongoing post-election crisis in Iran to the fact that more Iranian grad students are moving to Canada. From the recent discovery of a 14,000 year old map in Spain to the revealation that Jewish groups in Germany want Mein Kampf to be published once again or that the Cash for Clunkers programme might be expanding to Canada.
The range of topics covered is quite incredible and the depth and intelligence of the analysis is very, very impressive. Quite simply whatever you find interesting, this blog will interest you. Check it out now.
Monday, 6 July 2009
USA and Russia agree Nuclear Cuts
US and Russia agree nuclear cuts
US President Barack Obama: 'The US and Russia must lead by example'
US President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev have reached an outline agreement to cut back their nations' stockpiles of nuclear weapons.
Even if the Russians genuinely had any intention of following through on this - and they won't - seriously, who the fuck cares?
No Pasaran quite succinctly shows this non-event for what it is here.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
More of the same from the IRB
I can only sigh at this news. Being not only a rugby fan but a Scot, im well aware of the capacity for short-sighted incompetence which seems to be the prime qualification for holding a position at one of the various governing bodies within the sport. The SRU have all but murdered the sport in Scotland and quickly overturned one of their few decent acts since the sport turned professional in 95 when they made absolutely every effort to fuck over Alex and Bob Carruthers who made the outrageous assumption that, having taken over Edinburgh and invested their own money in it, they might have some measure of control over the franchise and the money it earnt through taking part in the Celtic League and Heineken Cup.England set to get 2015 World Cup
South Africa beat England to win the 2007 World Cup in FranceEngland are close to winning the right to stage the 2015 Rugby World Cup after organisers recommended their bid to the International Rugby Board (IRB).
The IRB council will make their final decision on 28 July, but the decision of Rugby World Cup Limited (RWCL) to back England is a key development.
England are up against South Africa, Japan and Italy for 2015, with Japan being recommended as hosts for 2019.
The IRB seem similarly set on making every effort to stop rugby growing internationally and maintaining its status as a minor sport played by a small and exclusive club of original nations. There was quite rightly an outcry when the 2011 World Cup was awarded to New Zealand over the favourite bidders, Japan, with the latter damning the closed club which makes up international rugby. It now seems certain that the coming world cup in Kiwiland is going to come and go suffering a massive loss (hardly surprising given the size of stadia available) with the NZRU struggling to pay for it and as a result the IRB seem to have decided that it is absolutely essential that the next one should guarantee a profit.
With this need for cash prominent in mind it is hardly surprising that a major nation should be favourite for WC 2015, even if this would be a very short-sighted decision, but the seeming inevitability of England rehosting the competition is still depressing.
Given that Italy, unlike Japan, is now (in theory) a major nation, most certainly a nation where the sport is growing and where the both the massive sporting infrastructure (thanks to football) and government guarantee of financial support is in place one might have hoped that the IRB would have the ambition and foresight to take the greatest showcase for rugby outside the traditional heartlands and help spread the sport. As it is we'll be lucky to see the sport extended to new territory (new for this level) by 2019 if, as seems likely, that world cup is awarded to Japan. With the SANZAR unions being typically selfish and blind to any potential for growth in their humming and hawing over whether or not to admit Argentina to the Tri-Nations it looks like we'll find ourselves approaching the third decade of the 21st century with the sport still restricted to the same top-level countries as the amateur era.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Now i'm not saying that Scotland and Wales couldn't do with a little belittling - in fact they could do with plenty - but to do so while acclaiming ones own nation when every glory achieved by it came under the rule of Welsh (Tudor) and Scottish (Stewart) monarchs (not to mention the Norman French previously) is, well, daft and evidence of an intellect incapable of maintaining some consistency of thought on a topic when evidence goes against ones preferred reality.
Anyway, moaning on one of my own pet gripes aside his appearance on This Week tonight was well worth seeing. He talked with great sense and passion on the need for reform in the Palace of Westminster and his deep knowledge of the political history of the UK was apparent. It would not surprise me if the changes he proposed - and which have been put forward by others on QT earlier - were implemented gradually over the coming decade.
A very important edition of Question Time
If the audience are anywhere near as furious and feisty as they were last week this should be memorable viewing indeed.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Frank Skinner on Question Time
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Tha mar a bhios an Rioghachd Aonaichte a deiligeadh le na Gurkhas, na sar-shaighdearan a bhios sinn a tarraing a treubhan Nepal, air a bhith na chuis-naire airson uine. Tha iomairt air a bhith dol airson cothrom a thoirt dhaibh fuireach ann am Breatainn fad bliadhnachan ach san anns an greiseag bheag a chaidh a tha e air tighinn gu aire a mhor t-sluaigh agus iad a faighinn taic bho leithid Joanna Lumley agus iomadach neach eile. Bha dochas ann gun deanadh Gordon Brown agus am Partaidh Laborach an rud ciallach - tha fhios gur ann ainneamh a thachaireas sin! - agus na riaghailtean atharrachadh agus leigeal le na gaisgich a chuir seachad iomadach bliadhna a sabaist airson Breatainn cumail oir le'm beatha anns an rioghachd seo fhein. Ach an aite sin se chuir iad air adhart an de ach poilisidh ur a dheanadh cinnteach nach fhaigheadh ach gle bheag - mu 4,600 a reir an riaghaltas ach direach 100 am beachd a h-uile duine eile - den 36,000 Ghurkha a bha nan saighdearan san Arm Breatannach ro 1997.
Am miosg na breugan aig Brown air an cuspair seo nochd aon pios dhan fhirinn - gu bheil e gu h-araidh an aghaidh na Gurkhas agus na teaghlaich aca a leigeal a steach don duthaich air fad seach nach eil e airson an airgead a dh'fheumadh e a thoirt dhaibh a chosg oir. Seo an duine a cheith barrachd de dh'airgead an t-sluagh fhads a bha na seannsalair, agus a nis na phriomh-mhinistear, na duine sam bith eile ann an eachdraidh an duthaich. Seo againn an duine a tha deonach tax amaideach a chuir air doigh a ni cinnteach gum bith nas lugha de dh'airgead a tighinn a steach direach gus an urrainn dha beagan "class warfare" a thoiseachadh le na Tories:
Chancellor defends 50p Tax
Seo againn an riaghaltas a tha air cothrom a thoirt do na ceudan de mhilltean, mu nach eil milleanan, de choigrich a thighinn a dh'fhuireach san rioghachd gun diofar an robh grainn aca air an duthaich. Ceithidh iad airgead gus feuchainn ri laimh an uachdar fhaighinn ann an co-fharpais phoileataigs. Fosglaidh iad na borders ris a h-uile seors neach. Ni iad na rudan seo ach nuair a thig e gu aite thoirt do dhaoine treun a tha air pairt a ghabhail anns a h-uile cogadh anns an robh Breatainn an sas airson coir is 200 bliadhna cha d'thoir iad cail dhaibh ach breugan agus dimheas.
Mar sin faodaidh sinn bhith taingeil gu bheil iomadach neach a miosg na backbenchers aig Brown fhein a tha smaoineachadh gu bheil an cuis a cheart cho suarach sa tha leithid Nick Clegg, Daibhidh Cameron agus Joanna Lumley. Chaidh am poilisidh a chuir gu bhot an diugh agus chaidh a mhor chuid de luchd na Commons an aghaidh an riaghaltas.
Reaction to Government defeat:Clegg, Lumley, Cameron
Chan ann tric a nochdas adhbhar-iomairt a dh'fhagas duine bhon a h-uile partaidh aonaichte nam beachdan ach 's e seo aon dhiubh.
Monday, 27 April 2009
Hannan @ Conservative Spring Conference
Ged a rinn na meadhanan mor, am "mainstream media", anns an duthaich seo a h-uile oidhirp cluais bodhar a chumail ris an oraid dh'fhas e cho ainmeil an deidh sgaoileadh air Youtube agus gun robh feum aca, mu dheireadh, suil aithghearr a thoirt air. Ach an deidh sin s'ann fhathast ann an duthchannan eile mar na Staitean Aonaichte a nochd an oraid agus Hannan fhein air na naidheachdan agus leithid Fox News gu h-araidh a toirt suil air na thachair agus a toirt cothrom do Hannan barrachd a radh mu a bheachdan agus carson a thubhairt e thubhairt e:
Co-dhiu, tha Hannan a nis air fhein a chuir air adhart mar aon de na daoine is tarraingeach a th'aig na Tories (agus chan eil moran ann dhiu an fhirinn innis) agus chaidh aite a thoirt dha aig co-labhairt earrach am partaidh agus sheall e a-rithist an coimeas labhairt sonraichte a tha aige:
A coimhead an duine seo a bruidhinn agus ag eisteachd ri na beachdan laidir a th'aige tha e duilich gun smaoineachadh air cho lag agus meadhanach a tha ceannas nan Tories fo Daibhidh Chamshron. Ged a tha barrachd atharrachadh eadar na Laboraich agus na Tories a nis na bha 'o chionn uine seach gu bheil riaghaltas Bhrown air gluasad gu cruaidh dhan laimh chli tha iad fhathast gu math faisg air a cheile a thaobh poileasaidhean. San fhirinn bhiodh e gu math duilich dealachadh a dheanamh eadar am Partaidh Conservative aig Cameron agus New Labour mar a bha iad fo Blair. Mu tha feum sam bith a gabhaidh anns na Tories - agus e gle chinnteach gur iad a bhios os cionn an riaghaltas an deidh an ath-bhliadhn - feumar barrachd a shealltainn de leithid Hannan; na 'Eurosceptics' agus na 'Libertarians' a tha fada nas fhaisg air feallsanachd conservative cheart na tha Cameron, Osbourne agus am buidhean a tha a riaghladh am partaidh an drasta.
Saturday, 25 April 2009

Tha athchuinge air nochdadh air-loidhne a tha a toirt cothrom do dhaoine cantainn gu bheil iad airson gun leig Gordon Brown dheth a dhreuchd mar priomh-mhinistear.
Tha an gloic seo, nach do bhuannaich taghadh sam bith, air sgrios iongantach a dheanamh air an rioghachd againn thairis air na bliadhnachan a cheith e mar seannsailear agus mar priomhaire bho 2007. Bith leanamh sam bith a tha air a bhreith am bliadhna sa coir is 30 bliadhn' a dh'aois mus teid na fiachan airgead uamhasach a tha Brown, agus am partaidh Laborach ghrot aige, air fagail againn a phaigheadh dheth. Mu tha thu airson d'ainm a chuir sios gus an seall sinn nach eil sinn ag iarraidh mionaid eile dhan an t-amadan seo ann an cumhachd - gu beag air 14 mios eile! - click air an link a leanas:
Athchuinge 10 Downing Street - Brown leig as do dhreuchd
An online petition has emerged urging Gordon Brown to resign as Prime Minister. This fool, who lacks any kind of democratic mandate outwith the ancient Kingdom of Fife, has wreaked destruction upon the country during his wasteful years as Chancellor and, since 2007, as PM. A child born this year will be approaching 30 by the time we've (hopefully) managed to pay off the horrendous debts inflicted upon us by Brown and the utterly repulsive Labour Party. If you wish to add your name to those of others who don't want this preposterous character to remain in power for another minute - let alone another 14 months! - click on the following link:
10 Downing Street Petition Brown Resign